Beamline Mentor Day


School Group Visits @ Nexpo Tallinn

Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.

Science Day

Innovative idea journey in the green economy: Challenges for Green Startups

School Group Visits @ Nexpo Tallinn

Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.

Negotiation Masterclass by Georg Meriloo


Mini-seminar by Stockholm Environment Institute: Challenges to Plastic Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region


Youth Day by Negavatt

Thoughtfully selected programme aimed for young enthusiasts interested in green technology and circular economy. More detailed info TBD. Programme curated by Negavatt – unique green initiative competition for young people.

School Group Visits @ Nexpo Tallinn

Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.

AirTram as a part of urban transportation: utopia or reality?

Kas õhutramm võiks olla üheks potentsiaalseks lahenduseks autostumisest tekkinud probleemidele? Šveitsi firma Bartholet insenerid arendama õhutrammi nö lauskmaa linnadesse ühe transpordiosana ja alternatiiviks kesklinna rööbastranspordile ühendamaks linnaosasid. Mart Kallas avab õhutrammi tagamaid.

SCC Keynotes Screening at Nexpo

Screening of the keynote speech by Elin Hauge, a futurist, artificial intelligence and business specialist.