Opening reception hosted by the Mayor of Tallinn – Part II

Informal mingling and networking with drinks and DJ-s.

Networking session in the City by AuveTech

Fun and informal networking event for industry people and/or founders

F*ck Up Night

F*ck Up Night is the kick-off event for Tallinn Greentech Week. It is an event that shines a light on the power of failure by hearing stories from people who have stumbled in their pursuits. F*ck Up Night will host speakers ready to share their know-how in surving difficulties and honestly admitting their mistakes. A… Continue reading

Opening reception hosted by the Mayor of Tallinn – Part I

Welcoming session for all GreenTech Week participants to set the tone for the upcoming week

Music @ Nexpo

Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo

Exhibitor’s Pitching

“Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets. ”

CleanTech Forum Europe Day 0 – Opening Session

A session to set the stage for the rest of the CleanTech Europe Forum and an introduction to the 2023 Cleantech 50 to Watch.

AirTram as a part of urban transportation: utopia or reality?

Kas õhutramm võiks olla üheks potentsiaalseks lahenduseks autostumisest tekkinud probleemidele? Šveitsi firma Bartholet insenerid arendama õhutrammi nö lauskmaa linnadesse ühe transpordiosana ja alternatiiviks kesklinna rööbastranspordile ühendamaks linnaosasid. Mart Kallas avab õhutrammi tagamaid.

SCC Keynotes Screening at Nexpo

Screening of the keynote speech by Elin Hauge, a futurist, artificial intelligence and business specialist.

Future Workshops & Discussions