VIDEO: Urban Living 2050 with WasteLocker

80% by 2050 – are our cities ready to accommodate this amount of population by the year 2050? What does the future city look like? Summary by Mark Skljarov, Chief Executive Officer at WasteLocker.

VIDEO: AuveTech and the Future of Urban Commuting

Shaping the future of public transportation. Summary by Johannes Mossov, Member of the Management Board at AuveTech.

VIDEO: Estonian Hydrogen Valley, from Zero to Green

A look into new possibilities for the economy by Hydrogen Valley Estonia, the world’s first nationwide Hydrogen Valley. What does it mean for the energy transition, what and where are the opportunities, how does it align with Estonia’s 2030 plans and how do we create the synergies Summary by Marek Alliksoo from Estonian Association of… Continue reading

Reaching the UN sustainability goals with ASD

The Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN (ASD) is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) that supports the spread of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) among businesses, public institutions, and governments bodies. ASD serves as a special consultative body to the UN Economic and Social… Continue reading

Alexela enlightens NEXPO on the smart use of electric vehicles

Alexela, an energy firm, is propelling the green revolution forward by forging green technologies. To advance sustainable mobility, Alexela is orchestrating a widespread electric vehicle charging network and establishing stations for hydrogen and biomethane refuelling. The company is also pioneering a shift to 100% renewable energy through the construction of solar and wind farms, and… Continue reading

Green ideas worth their weight in gold at Negavatt

Negavatt, the organiser of NEXPO Youth Day, is a green ideas competition targeting young people aged 18 to 30. Its 11th season is scheduled to kick off in February 2024. Written in lowercase, “negawatt” represents a conceptual unit measuring saved or unused energy. For example, switching from a 1,000 W light bulb to a 15… Continue reading

5 exciting companies changing the world for the better

This fall Tallinn will become the greentech capital of the world. Let’s get to know some of the companies taking part of NEXPO Tallinn in November! TurbineCrew Inc. is a start-up from South Korea focusing on producing sustainable energy. What makes the company special is that they produce it with small wind turbines that work… Continue reading

Fibenol replaces oil with wood-based chemicals

Replacing oil as a raw material is an innovation that is key to a more sustainable future for the materials and chemicals industry, and this is exactly what Fibenol, an Estonian company exhibiting at NEXPO, is striving to achieve. Fibenol has established a groundbreaking technology in its pilot plant, with the aim of creating wood-based… Continue reading

NEXPO exhibitor Timbeter pioneers sustainable and safe forest management

One of Estonia’s most valuable assets undoubtedly lies in its forests, which form the backbone of its economy. However, enhancing the forest industry’s sustainability, transparency, safety and resource valorisation is a pressing concern, not only within Estonia but also on a global scale. We sat down with Timbeter, a local company with an international presence,… Continue reading