Join us at GreenEST Summit 2023:

Accelerating the

Join over 400 participants, including experts, entrepreneurs, and investors from across Europe.

The leading green innovation event of Europe taking place on November 13th at the Cruise Terminal in Tallinn, Estonia.

“Celebrating our 6th anniversary in 2023 as the largest green technology conference in the region.

Key Themes for 2023:

Green industry in urban environments

Innovative solutions in green technology

ESG - a sustainability factor

Blue economy

Ready to be a part of the green transformation?

"Experience inspiring talks, engaging panel discussions, and an opportunity to see innovative solutions from top green technology companies."

Networking and Community

GreenEST Summit aims to foster a strong green community. Expect meaningful networking opportunities through coordinated matchmaking events, partnership agreements, and special events.

Green Company Showcase

Meet and learn from the 20 most relevant green companies in the region. Discover their innovative solutions at our demo area.