Balanced Economy Forum “Elephant in the Room”

The “An Elephant in the Room” forum addresses the pressing need to reevaluate our current unsustainable economic model, characterized by infinite growth driven by GDP, which harms nature by depleting its resources. This forum marks a significant shift towards openly discussing alternative economic systems that prioritize environmental sustainability and support nature’s recovery. It aims to… Continue reading

Green Governance Conference

The conference, focuses on Green Public Procurement (GPP) as a vital policy tool for achieving Green Governance. It explores the potential and challenges of making procurement more environmentally friendly. Representatives from Baltic Sea region municipalities, including Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, and others, share best practices and ambitions for greening procurement.

Ülemiste City seminar

Mõtestame teema lahti koos oma heade partnerite Fyma, Bikeep’i, Activate’i ja Teliaga, tänu kellele edukad keskkonnasekkumised Ülemiste Citys võimalikuks on saanud. Arutleme selle üle, kuidas saame andmete abil aimu inimeste liikumistest, millised võimalused on liikumisharjumusi erinevate sekkumiste ja andmete visualiseerimise kaudu mõjutada ning kuidas saaks omakorda keskkonnasekkumiste edukust andmete abil hinnata

Urbact Sustainability Governance Network meeting


Smart Cities Convention Day 2

Field day for Smart Cities Convention participants. Opprotunity to visit the most forward-thinking sites and organisations in Tallinn.

Smart Cities Convention Day 1

SCC gives an opportunity to learn about the current state of innovative urban projects and what the future might hold. The objective of this event is to promote thinking outside the box, encourage active networking and sharing peer-to-peer knowledge.