Tallinn GreenTech Week Closing Party

Final event of Tallinn Greentech Week. Music, mingling and cocktails to set the mood and celebrate an intense and impactful week.

Music @ Nexpo

Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo

The Pitch by Beamline Accelerator

Just like The Voice but for teams in the Beamline Accelerator. A fun and entertaining event to show the ins and outs of the startup world to everyone.

Cleantech Afterwork by CleanTech Estonia

Meeting point for cleantech founders and greentech industry people.

Music @ Nexpo

Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo

Music @ Nexpo


ITS Reception & drinks


Opening reception hosted by the Mayor of Tallinn – Part II

Informal mingling and networking with drinks and DJ-s.

F*ck Up Night

F*ck Up Night is the kick-off event for Tallinn Greentech Week. It is an event that shines a light on the power of failure by hearing stories from people who have stumbled in their pursuits. F*ck Up Night will host speakers ready to share their know-how in surving difficulties and honestly admitting their mistakes. A… Continue reading

Opening reception hosted by the Mayor of Tallinn – Part I

Welcoming session for all GreenTech Week participants to set the tone for the upcoming week