Tallinn GreenTech Week Closing Party

Final event of Tallinn Greentech Week. Music, mingling and cocktails to set the mood and celebrate an intense and impactful week.

Music @ Nexpo

Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo

The Pitch by Beamline Accelerator

Just like The Voice but for teams in the Beamline Accelerator. A fun and entertaining event to show the ins and outs of the startup world to everyone.

Exhibitor’s Pitching

Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.

Beamline Mentor Day


School Group Visits @ Nexpo Tallinn

Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.

Balanced Economy Forum “Elephant in the Room”

The “An Elephant in the Room” forum addresses the pressing need to reevaluate our current unsustainable economic model, characterized by infinite growth driven by GDP, which harms nature by depleting its resources. This forum marks a significant shift towards openly discussing alternative economic systems that prioritize environmental sustainability and support nature’s recovery. It aims to… Continue reading