Mini-seminar by Stockholm Environment Institute: Challenges to Plastic Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region


Exhibitor’s Pitching

“Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets. ”

Exhibitor’s Pitching

“Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets. ”

Youth Day by Negavatt

Thoughtfully selected programme aimed for young enthusiasts interested in green technology and circular economy. More detailed info TBD. Programme curated by Negavatt – unique green initiative competition for young people.

Urbact Sustainability Governance Network meeting


School Group Visits @ Nexpo Tallinn

Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.

CleanTech Forum Europe Day 1

Action-packed day filled with different sessions covering the most relevant greentech topics.

Smart Cities Convention Day 2

Field day for Smart Cities Convention participants. Opprotunity to visit the most forward-thinking sites and organisations in Tallinn.