Networking session in the City by Test In Tallinn

Fun and informal networking event for industry people or founders

Music @ Nexpo


ITS Reception & drinks


Networking with the Estonian smart and sustainable city brightest stars by ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster

Discussions and mingling with the trendsetters from the Estonian ICT Cluster

Networking with the Estonian smart and sustainable city brightest stars by ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster

Discussions and mingling with the trendsetters from the Estonian ICT Cluster

Networking with the Estonian smart and sustainable city brightest stars by ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster

Discussions and mingling with the trendsetters from the Estonian ICT Cluster

Networking with the Estonian smart and sustainable city brightest stars by ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster

Discussions and mingling with the trendsetters from the Estonian ICT Cluster

Networking with the Estonian smart and sustainable city brightest stars by ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster

Discussions and mingling with the trendsetters from the Estonian ICT Cluster

Negotiation Masterclass by Georg Meriloo


Ülemiste City seminar

Mõtestame teema lahti koos oma heade partnerite Fyma, Bikeep’i, Activate’i ja Teliaga, tänu kellele edukad keskkonnasekkumised Ülemiste Citys võimalikuks on saanud. Arutleme selle üle, kuidas saame andmete abil aimu inimeste liikumistest, millised võimalused on liikumisharjumusi erinevate sekkumiste ja andmete visualiseerimise kaudu mõjutada ning kuidas saaks omakorda keskkonnasekkumiste edukust andmete abil hinnata