A mini-exhibition at NEXPO City


Peegel aka “The Mirror”


The World has around 149 years left, until our life here on Mother Earth becomes impossible as the heat goes beyond our limits of endurance. Dare to doubt?

If you recall what has happened in the world already during this year alone, would you still be doubting?

July, for example, saw the highest average temperatures on record in Europe, causing unprecedented forest fires. The fires in Greece claimed lives and terrified tourists, while in Turkey and Afghanistan the earth shook, leaving millions homeless. 

In August, a whole town on the island of Hawaii burned to the ground while California was hit by Hilary, the strongest tropical storm in 84 years.

In September, the fire took an area in Canada larger than the size of England.

On the other side of the globe, Typhoon Doksuri caused not only human sufferings but also tremendous economic damage (which was roughly the same as Estonia’s annual national budget, by the way), and also the latest autumn storm in Estonia battered our houses, ships and infrastructure like never before.


These crises are man-made, and they are becoming more frequent. For too long, we have pretended that everything is fine. But even if we close our eyes, the elephant is still in the room until we do something about it and solve the problem together.

The mini-exhibition in the A-Hall consists of three installations, all of them use words to help us understand that everything around us is the result of choices we make every day. The installations use language that neither accuses nor admonishes, yet invites us to think critically about bigger questions.

How can each of us contribute to a better, higher quality, and more sustainable life on our planet? And what steps can we take to achieve this outcome?

Now, to get the answers, please look in the mirror first and see what you personally can do! And believe us, every time you look in the mirror with these questions in mind, you will see a more environmentally conscious and caring face looking back at you!


Kuubik aka “The Cube”

In today’s world, we are surrounded by a huge number of things every day – at home, in the office, at the summerhouse, in the car, in the kitchen and garage… But how often, or to what extent, do we really use all of our possessions? The truth is for a long time we haven’t been able to fully consume the potential of the things around us – new ones just come along before the old ones wear out. But instead of saying “Buy less!”, we should simply share more! If we were sharing more things, we would also produce less – that alone would reduce the overall amount of stuff in the world.

When we look into the simplest part of the sharing economy – the sharing of cars – the fact is that the average Estonian’s car is parked idle 95% of the time. Does it pique your interest?

Have you ever wondered how much of the time your car stands idle without any use at all? Taking this question one step further – when exactly would it be more economical for you to not own a car at all?

Objekt aka “The Object”
“Get three, pay for two!” – who cares if you only needed one. “What an irresistible smell of fresh pastry!” – and even though you only went to buy batteries, you’ll exit the store with a bag full of baked goods as well. Isn’t it strange that non-essentials are always at the checkout, but the daily essentials, like milk, are at the furthest end of the shop. The background music between aisles is so zen and soothing, making you forget yourself until you realize a quick grocery run has evolved into a wallet-draining hour-long stroll.

These are just a few examples of how we are driven to buy more and more. As consumers, we tend to give in to different outside influences, and the consumer society selfishly and mercilessly fuels this situation even more.

Ever wondered how light, sound, smells, and colors work together to make us emotionally consume more? Curious about how prices and displays influence us? This painfully honest and eye-opening installation reveals the true nature of commerce. No hiding the truth – it exposes how the system cleverly manipulates us. 

Kala aka “The Fish”

The sea that has its waves crashing 800 km along the coast of Estonia. Many of us have swum in its refreshing waves and felt its soothing effect on the restless mind. This is the sea that provides us with the fish we enjoy eating, but unfortunately, it is also the sea where people dispose of excess fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceutical waste and daily rubbish. Yes, this is our own Baltic Sea.

But why? But how? And for how long can it last that way?

Let’s face the harsh reality and not put our heads under the sand – the sea is like a sponge that absorbs everything that gets into it. Like the fish, who devour everything the sea offers them. Without making any distinction, whether it is food or indigestible poison.