Green Governance Conference 2023

Join us on 16th November as we bring together cities from the Baltic Sea Region and beyond.

Towards climate-neutral, circular and tox-free public procurement in municipalities of the Baltic Sea Region

About the Conference

The Green Governance Conference is a prominent event in the calendar of the City of Tallinn, the European Green Capital 2023. The central theme of this year’s conference is green public procurement, a critical instrument for fostering sustainable consumption and production.

Themes and Topics

A central theme will be Green Public Procurement (GPP) as an excellent instrument to implement Green Governance and, additionally, to foster sustainable consumption and production. 


Local governments do have a great potential to achieve a large part of sustainability goals through their procurement processes – if they make them not only climate-neutral, but also circular and tox-free. Furthermore, the conference will create an opportunity for networking among Green Cities.


We warmly invite cities from the Baltic Sea Region and beyond to share their experiences and learn from each other. Our conference is a unique platform for discussing the challenges and solutions for transitioning to green governance.

About the Conference

9:00 Opening of the event by Mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart (TBC) and keynote speakers.


  • Keynote: Green Public Procurement – a great policy instrument for achieving Green Governance. How “green” can procurement be? What are the key barriers and biggest potentials? Kaidi Tamm & Harri Moora, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre


  • Presentations by representatives of municipalities from the Baltic Sea region
    Best practice examples and ambitions for greening procurement as an effective instrument of Green Governance:

    Stockholm and Västerås (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Riga and Smiltene (Latvia), Hamburg (Germany), Gentofte (Denmark)

Panel discussion among the speakers:

How can GPP become a routine, not only a best practice example – how to make it a new norm?

Launch of the NonHazCity Award
for tox-free, circular and climate-neutral buildings and building processes at municipalities.
Mihhail Kõlvart, Mayor of Tallinn (TBC) and Alexandra Wandel, Chair of World Future Council


13.15–14.30 Lunch


14:30–17:30 ASD ehk NonHazCity & ChemClimCircle projects public seminar on specific aspects of Green Public Procurement (GPP)

  • Session 1: Evaluation of GPP implementation impacts
    • How and what exactly to monitor for “green” purchases at the procurement unit and/or municipality, regional entity level?
    • Experiences with CO2 emission reduction calculation of GPP implementation

  • Session 2: Certification and labelling as instruments for procurement decisions (thematic focus: construction materials & buildings)
    • What exactly do different existing building certificates certify? Can they be an instrument to judge the integrated chemicals, climate and circularity aspects of a building?
    • Eco-labels as the preferred instrument for procurers: what do they really label with regard to construction materials and buildings? Do they sufficiently cover circularity and hazardous substance issues or mostly climate-relevant issues?

In parallel: Sharing BaltiPlast project experience on the NEXPO stage (TBC)

This event is organised by the City of Tallinn, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre and Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia.